Dog Toy Choices
I like to buy Bailey stuffy toys especially if they squeak because I know that Bailey loves furry squeaky things. The problem is, Bailey shreds most stuffed creatures in a matter of minutes. I have tried stuffed creatures that you put water bottles inside so they crinkle, stuffies with multiple squeakers, heavy duty multiple layered and super stitched toys, you name it, he finds a way to defluff and desqueak the creature. The dog training instructor recommended trying a bully stick which is a natural option to a rawhide bone to help him with his chewing. I bought the largest one they had available and he liked it alright! He ate ½ of it in 10 minutes of chewing. At $15 a piece, you do the math! Some dog shops have come up with lines of stuffed toys that cater to the type of dog you have. I have passed on these because I know it would be a waste of money for sure.
It has become a bit of an obsession for me to find a toy that will last more than a day, but Bailey continues to enjoy the toys that he has lovingly defluffed. I found an inexpensive toy at Mardens called Crunchy Critter by Ruffin’ It. I got it for $4 so it wasn’t too painful when he bit the squeaker out. It did take him a few days though!
My latest find was last night at the trainer’s house. She brought out a furry critter that has a rubber cage for the interior and a squeaker inside the rubber cage. Bailey claimed it and it didn’t appear to be shred able! I might have to try this toy out. If it works, my obsession might just end with this toy!