Dog Waiting for Master

Do Dogs Wait for Their Masters to Come Home?

I think so!  If you had asked me a couple of years ago, I would have said that I had heard of this happening and even saw a movie that was a true story about a dog waiting for his owner called Hachiko but proof, no.  Not until recently that is!

Bailey often is sitting by a window and looking out it when I come home from work.  I just figured that he was watching the activity on the street or someone out walking a dog.  But a few weeks ago, my daughter said did you know that Bailey goes to the window and he waits for you to come home.  He usually goes and sits for about an hour until I arrive and then he greets me.  I had to take a picture to show you this.


           Bailey Waiting For Me

Long before he hears my car…he just knows.  When he sees me drive up, he watches me until he knows that I am coming into the house.  By the time I walk through the door, Bailey is there to greet me.  He doesn’t expect to eat right away.  I do take him outside but mostly he is just waiting for me, at least that is what we have determined and have come to believe.  I had to check this out on the web and up popped story after story of dogs doing this.  Even scientific  studies have conducted to try and figure this out!  I will need to ask my dog trainer about this the next time I see her to get her take on this.


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