Daily Create #tdc2322 3-D Creation

My below reflection is a 3D creation from another’s work “Flower by Otisa” that I found on Thingiverse.com.  The daily challenge was to show myself in a 3D creation.  What wanted to show a picture of someone handing a flower to another which to me can show encouragement, friendship, or just a listening ear.  I began this first DC project by setting up a Twitter account and following the DS106 posts.  The first project I considered doing was the immogi challenge but after spending over 3 hours trying to get Snapchat on my PC and phone, I later found that with even installing Bluestacker, my equipment was too old.  Since I can’t buy a new phone or computer, and Twitter did download, this is the challenge I chose.  My next challenge was that even though I had Twitter, it wouldn’t open on my PC or let me go to a profile page.  After doing some research, I found that the email address I used for UNE didn’t have a Gmail extension so my email address was in pending status.  I put in a correct email and I was off and running.




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