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About Me
BUFI 315
BUMK 312
ENG 304
Code Academy Points/Badges
DS106 Work
Color Walk Time Lines
Daily Create #tdc2322 3-D Creation
Daily Create #tdc2331 Faceinahole
Daily Create #tdc2333 Identify That Font
Daily Create #tdc2338 Art GIF
Daily Create #tdc2340 Twisting the Kaleidoscope
Daily Create #tdc2344 Use Your Digital Crayons
Daily Create #tdc2350 What Makes My Heart Sing
Daily Create #tdc2352 Beauty at Sunset
Daily Create #tdc2354 Inspirational Quote
Daily Create #tdc2360 Scholar of Color
Demotivate Yourself
Digital Story Compilation
Home Video GIF
Remix Guinness Book of World Records
Say it Like the Peanut Butter
Selfie with Bailey
The Big Caption
The Brady Bunch Remixed to Emmy’s Brunch
The Forrest Gump Project
Turn a GIF into a FIG – Unwinding Santa’s Coming Tonight Tonight!
What They Might Have Done in Social Media
What’s the Meme
SOC 275
ENG 304