Bailey’s People Get Help!

Bailey’s mischievous ways are part cute and part trouble.  Since Bailey would not come when called, we needed help to figure out how to get over this training hurdle.  After looking for a class that would accomplish this, we realized that we needed one on one help with Bailey.  A co-worker highly recommended Jessica who owns a business called The Capable Canine so we contacted Jessica and with Bailey in tow, went for a training consult.  Below is a link so you can learn more about Jessica and her amazing work!

About Jessica Robichaud

Jessica listened to our stories about Bailey and gave us hope that we could train our pup.  One thing that Jessica saw was that Bailey was not food motivated like the majority of dogs.  She recommended that we consider getting some high quality treats when training Bailey and to keep trying until we found some.  She gave us a list of some good ones to try such as Stella And Chewy’s and Happy Howies treats.  Another thing we need to do which requires observation on our part is when Bailey is not doing something that is wrong to catch him in his good moment and reward him.  For example, if he is sitting next to Ernie our cat and not harassing him, we click and reward him with praise and a treat. 

Another thing that Jessica suggested was taking away his food bowl and giving him a Kong feeder.  This gave Bailey a job to do which provides mental stimulation.  I was worried he wouldn’t get enough to eat but he managed just fine.  See the Youtube link below to watch Bailey figure out his Kong Feeder.  We learned much from that precious consult and later went on to join a class.  Jessica is a highly skilled dog trainer and we gladly recommend her!

